Samuel Lee Bowman III

Samuel Lee Bowman III

Oct 26, 1942 - Jun 14th, 2023
  • Birth Date: Oct 26, 1942
  • Death Date: Jun 14, 2023
  • Funeral Date: Jun 15, 2023, 5:00 pm
  • Location: Ruebel Funeral Home
  • Print this Obituary


Samuel Lee Bowman III, 80, of Little Rock, passed away peacefully on June 14, 2023 at his home.
Lee grew up in McGehee, Arkansas, on Wolf Drive, and would wake up with pecan trees, a creek and the sound of running trains behind his bedroom. He grew up in a neighborhood with Prewitts, Warricks and others, rode bikes, ate packed lunches, gave and received black-eyes, and worshipped the Cardinals. He loved playing baseball, basketball, and football for the McGehee Owls.
Leaving behind a high-school determination to crush Dumas and Lake Village in sports, he went off to the University of Arkansas. In June 1962,  his mother Francis Walker ("Pee Wee") Bowman  was killed in a car accident. It was a an enduring loss, but one that cemented a bond with his siblings and his father. He continued to graduate with a degree in business administration, majoring in banking and finance in order to follow in the footsteps of his father Sam.
His first job out of college was as a clerk with the McGehee Bank. There it is thought that he developed his obsession with writing in perfect rows and columns. If balancing a checkbook can be romanticized, it would be by reference to his perfect organizational style. He strove but failed to pass this skill onto his sons.
He went on to a successful career in banking and investments. Redeeming a 50 cent coupon delivered Lee the same dopamine hit as receiving a 500 dollar dividend. We will never know why, but it made us all smile.
He loved and respected his older sister Anne so much that never was heard even a teasing comment about her. Anne took up a grandmother's role in many respects and Lee's children looked forward any kid-free vacations so that they could stay with their aunt Anne and her husband Winston Sloan in Fayetteville.
He did a poor job of concealing his deep pride and admiration for his younger brother Bill, who ran the bank for which he served as a director for many years. He begrudgingly acknowledged that Bill was far better than he was at golf, and then only when pressed. He loved everything about McGehee and some of his happiest times was driving there from Little Rock to serve on the board of the Bank his father and brother had run.
He served as a mentor and friend to his children, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren, and introduced them to Cat Stevens and Neil Diamond unashamedly.
His memory for names, dates, and stories delighted us all. As we chuckled, some of us wondered if there were any embarrassing events which we had chosen to forget but that he still held in reserve. He loved nicknames, and he doled them out at the same rate that he accumulated them. "Harry", "Generalissimo Harrissimo", "Leebo", "Big Hoss", "Short Arms", "Bobo", "Big Leebowski", were some of his. "Rhino", "Avetron", "Dogboy", and "Tigi" are a small sample of his substitutes for our real names.
Leebo passed away peacefully at his home, survived by his children Lee Foster Bowman, Jason Sikes Bowman, Mary Bowman Ritchey, Kim Miros, his wife Susan Gregory, and 14 grandchildren.  He loved them consistently and deeply, as he did all of his friends and family.
A gathering of friends and family will be held on Thursday, June 15 at Ruebel Funeral Home from 5:00-7:00 pm. Please play "Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show" at home regardless of whether you can come.

Marsha M. Loyd
Jun 19th, 2023 6:28 pm
Lee and his Dad, Mr. Sam and bro Bill were dear friends to me and the Loyd Family in McGehee. Lee made a huge impact in the banking industry in AR. Prayers for his family and wonderful memories.
Patricia Gilliam Calhoun Bailey
Jun 19th, 2023 4:45 pm
I am so very sorry to learn of Lee's passing. I knew him through his family and McGehee Bank. He and I enjoyed trying to get the best of his brother, Bill. I know he will be missed by all who knew him. My prayers and love are with his family.
John Walter Logan
Jun 19th, 2023 1:04 pm
Good memories of Lee at the Sigma Chi house in Fayetteville many years ago. A brother and a fun guy. Rest in Peace in the Chapter Eternal.
Laura (Rasco) Reeves
Jun 18th, 2023 5:53 pm
Foster & Jason - sending love, thoughts and prayers to you and your family! I have many wonderful childhood memories from Sherwood Rd & CCLR of you both and your dad! As you go through this difficult time, I am grateful to know you are all together
Jun 17th, 2023 2:45 pm
End of an era. Since Dabbs Sullivan, Trulock and then at Merrill Lynch, Lee was a good friend. He played an important role improving my life and me as a person, in many ways. From there we took separate paths, but I remember Lee as a good friend who influenced people around him to be better than they would otherwise be . All the best, Susan, Foster, Jason and Mary. Sad that we've lost touch but you will be in our prayers.
Ben Myers
Jun 16th, 2023 8:08 pm
Lee was my childhood idol. I always wanted to be just like him. Always a gentleman, always kind and always had time for a conversation with a 9th grade kid.
Pat Miller
Jun 16th, 2023 3:20 pm
Lee and his brother Bill Bowman have been wonderful and generous great friends and good to me and my family. Lee and Alan , his other little brother helped me get in the investment business long ago and his influence has been wonderful and appreciated. This space on earth will miss Lee and his great smile. Take care brother!
Bob McCarley
Jun 16th, 2023 11:40 am
Sorry for Lee's passing. I was at UofA during his days. He called me out at the grocery stores year or so ago. I would not recall how we both had aged. Lee was a good guy. Sorry for his passing.
Mary Dee Taylor
Jun 16th, 2023 11:19 am
I was not privileged to know Lee, but surely I would have found him to be a remarkable man. To Susan and the family
please accept my condolences on your loss.
Robert Moore
Jun 16th, 2023 10:56 am
Lee was two grades ahead of me at MHS…he was the BMOC, coolest guy all around..but most importantly, I’ll remember him as the guy who offered encouragement to me, a shy kid from Arkansas City coming to MHS via school consolidation, when I really needed it…he helped me learn to believe in myself..I’ll always appreciate that young friendship. I consider him to have exemplified the best in humanity.
Jim Smith
Jun 16th, 2023 10:17 am
The Tree! I was visiting Lee in 2000 and he asked me what do you want to do today and I said go to McGehee and see the tree and your home and off we went. we stopped at the senior care and saw Sam on our return. What a great memory of my friend of 64 years. I will miss him. Condolences to his wonderful family!
Bill Lawrence
Jun 16th, 2023 9:37 am
Grew up with Lee playing Little League baseball and all sports. Probably the best overall athlete to come from Mc Gehee. Condolences to his family. He will be missed.
Leslie Singer
Jun 16th, 2023 8:42 am
Really, really going to miss my great friend,
Pat Bell
Jun 15th, 2023 9:42 pm
Was privileged to grow up with Lee, kindergarten through 12th grade in McGehee. Many fond memories, especially watching him quarterback the McGehee Owls from the marching band section and the many interactions that teenage boys had in small town Arkansas. Great memories of the "Class of 1960" of which Lee was a large presence.
Rest in peace, old buddy.
J. O. Buckley
Jun 15th, 2023 7:05 pm
In those long ago days of fraternity rushing for the best men of that year, we regretted that Lee was the one who got away. He was a good friend and an inspiration to many in my southeast Arkansas family and he will be missed. Condolences to Susan and his family.
Joe Klein
Jun 15th, 2023 4:59 pm
Will miss him. He & his roommate got me a job slinging hash at Futrell Hall when I was a pledge, in the spring of 1964. He will be welcomed into the Sigma Chi Chapter Eternal.
Lee Swomley
Jun 15th, 2023 2:48 pm
Simply an amazing individual and such a kind man. Lee, you will be missed and have left a strong legacy for us all to appreciate and remember. God Bless.
Amy Coates Stockinger
Jun 15th, 2023 2:08 pm
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of Lee's family. He was such a wonderful man, and I know you will all miss him dearly. I'm sure my dad will enjoy having him up above to chat about finance and banking. Lee was definitely an informed source on the subjects! Love to all of the Bowman's from the Coates'.
Becky and Ronnie Jeter
Jun 15th, 2023 1:52 pm
Our sincere condolences and prayers for your family.
Alan Warrick
Jun 15th, 2023 1:46 pm
Lee was my lifetime best friend and longtime business partner. Growing up across the street from Lee we enjoyed many great memories. His brother Bill was my great childhood and longtime friend. I always thought and made to believe I was part of the family. He was the big brother I never had. I will miss him dearly! Much love and prayers for the whole family! Till we meet again my friend!
Kate Mitchell
Jun 15th, 2023 12:05 pm
Lee was a delight to know—witty, kind and caring. My thoughts and prayers are with Susan and his family.
Chuck Tennyson
Jun 15th, 2023 11:53 am
Mr. Lee What a fun guy to be around and work for. Lee gave me my first real opportunity 3 years out of college to work for him at FNB back in 1980. Every day was so fun and interesting working with Lee, Alan Warrick and Ann Head . Still, the most enjoyable job I ever had. I learned so much from Lee. God Bless his Family.
Ray Ritchey
Jun 15th, 2023 10:54 am
I was privileged of being co-grandfather to three of Lee’s grandsons, and to have his beloved daughter Mary as our daughter-in-love and wife to our most fortunate son, David. I have witnessed first hand what a fantastic parent Lee was, not only to his children, but his grandchildren as well, and surrogate father to scores of young people Lee mentored throughout his life! Lee leaves behind a tremendous legacy in his amazing children and grandchildren, and friends who are carrying on his commitment to working for the greater good of our community and country. This is without question the best testament to a life well lived!

With my utmost respect, great appreciation for his friendship, and love for the Bowman family,

Ray Ritchey
Bill Elliott
Jun 15th, 2023 10:29 am
I first met Lee when we worked together in the kitchens of the girls dorms at the university. He was a great friend then and after I got back from Vietnam. I followed him to Dabbs Sullivan Turlock, Merrill Lynch, First South and Bowman and Company. I know he was a believer so I pray the family will take comfort in the promise of eternity with his savior. Rest in peace, Lee.

Debbie Roach
Jun 15th, 2023 10:22 am
Foster, Jason and family,

I’m so incredibly sorry to hear about your Dad. Praying for comfort and peace in the days ahead. Sending my love and hugs to you all.

Dell Fogleman
Jun 15th, 2023 10:16 am
First John, now Lee! Heaven will wrap it’s arms around those two old buddies. Brings a smile among the tears.
My love and deepest sympathy, Susan.
Bunny Adcock
Jun 15th, 2023 9:35 am
Lee was a great leader in the financial community. He'll be missed.
“Davo” Watkins
Jun 15th, 2023 9:03 am
“Lahroy” Bowman was my greatest lifetime friend! We had over sixty years of personal experiences together. From the Razorbacks to business to “unmentionables” we shared so much! There will never be another “Samuel Lee Bowman”……..”GOD BLESS HIS MEMORY” ……FOREVER!!!
Sharon Combee
Jun 15th, 2023 8:54 am
What a beautiful obituary for an amazing man. I had the most fun of my career working for/with Lee and Alan in the late 80’s. I can still see him stroll across the bond floor with never a care in the world. Easiest guy in the world to get along with. Always kind and considerate. Never in a bad mood. I learned a lot from him and will always treasure those few years. So very sorry for all of you.
Nan Ellen East
Jun 15th, 2023 8:42 am
Susan, to you and Lee’s family, I was sorry Lee passed away and very sorry for your loss. From the U of A, when I first met Lee, and Susan too, I was glad to know him. His obituary is remarkable, interesting like a novel, telling about his life, his loves, character and family. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.
Randy and Diane zook
Jun 15th, 2023 8:39 am
May the love of God and prayers of friends give you peace. He was one of the really good ones.
David McCreery
Jun 15th, 2023 8:05 am
He was a great Sigma Chi.
Beckie Miles
Jun 15th, 2023 7:47 am
Lee was a great banker and a wonderful person. Worked with him a First National Bank.
RIP sir ✝️
Susan Dunn
Jun 15th, 2023 7:17 am
So sorry to see this. I served as one of Lee’s bankers over the years and always enjoyed my interactions with him. Condolences to the family.
paula dempsey
Jun 15th, 2023 6:57 am
I am so sorry to hear of Lee's passing. He was so good to me when I worked for him at First Commercial Bank many years ago. Lee will be greatly missed.

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