Malin Reed Opitz

Malin Reed Opitz

Jun 17, 2013 - Jan 31st, 2023
  • Birth Date: Jun 17, 2013
  • Death Date: Jan 31, 2023
  • Funeral Date: Unknown
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Biography: Malin Reed Opitz was born in Little Rock on Monday, June 17th, 2013 and after the most amazing 9 and a half years, she went to heaven on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023. She was held tightly by her loving parents, Patty and Jonathan Opitz, as she quietly and peacefully passed at home after an 8 month battle with DIPG/DMG brain cancer.  Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh without fear of the days to come” was given to Malin by a physician shortly after her diagnosis and became a testament to how she would live during her fight.  She was incredible throughout her life at letting her light shine, caring deeply for other people.  With no cure for DIPG/DMG, she faced it head-on with bravery, love, and positivity.  Malin knows God has something amazing planned for her.  True to Malins character, she wanted her tissue to be donated for research at UAMS.

Malin lived life to the fullest, investing her whole heart in everything she did, with everyone she loved. She had a passion for cooking and baking, trying to convince her MeMe to experiment with new recipes. Her love of swimming renewed every summer when Kyle opened their pool and started the grill.  (Barbara and Kyle Treat)  She loved sleepovers and late night stories with LuLu and her creative side came out while drawing with PopPop.  Her sense of humor showed regularly, giving him a hard time, mostly about not wearing his hearing aids.  (Elaine and John Watts)  She cherished her cousins Perri, Finley and Reece (Opitz) and always looked forward to spending time with them – summer trips to Magic Springs, Purple Cow lunches, and afternoon dance/talent shows.  She was adored and spoiled by her aunt and uncles, Leah and Craig Opitz and J.P. Watts.  She loved to tease Pop-Frank about the length of his moustache looking like the Lorax.  She loved all things Disney, which started with a trip to Disney World with Susan and Pop-Frank. (Susan Graves Russell and Frank Opitz)  She loved her couch time cuddling with her spoiled rotten dog, Chewy, and often referred to him as a good boy, but a bad dog.” Her Lobsters” were very special to her considering them more family than friends.  She treasured her extended family – her many great aunts, uncles and cousins- and had the fiercest love for all of her friends.  She was so smart and creative and loved to learn with her Jefferson Elementary family and looked forward to her favorite subjects – Art, Math, Reading and G.T.  She was incredibly motivated and learned her power and strength with her IHG gymnastics team. She looked forward to summer camps, especially Winnamocka, Ferncliff, Camp Aldersgate and the Art Center, springtime Hillcrest softball and her time with Girl Scout Troop 6075.

She was incredibly competitive, yet humble, and could beat and outlast anyone at anything, but mostly board games, card games, sports, and Nintendo Switch.  She loved Girls on the Run, Jefferson Joggers, and Cammack Village Family Fun Run.  She could dig deep, as running didnt come easy to her, but loved that if she could prove she wanted it more, she could outrun just about anyone.  She was a go with the flow/chill girl and always logical, even when leading with her heart.  She was mature for her age, an old soul, who was able to sit and talk for hours, even pondering really deep questions about life.  She was witty and funny with a dry sense of humor that would surprise, with her naturally impeccable comedic timing and her Malin-isms.  She loved to travel around the country and was always up for a long weekend road trip. Her goal was to see all 50 states before she graduated high school, but was only able to make it to 18 of them.  At the end of the day, she cherished her time just being at home with Momma, Daddy, and Chewy. 
The Opitz family is very thankful for everyone who helped Malin during her journey, including her family, her friends, Jefferson Elementary, Arkansas Childrens Hospital, UAMS, and UCSF, her doctors & nurses, her PT and OT team, the pharmaceutical companies for clinical trial and compassionate care medications, her Hospice team, Camp Aldersgate, her gymnastics team, her softball team, AMR Architects and PSW Architects, and everyone else who ever said a prayer or sent a positive thought Malins way – you all will forever be a part of Malins story. 

Due to Malins young age and the toll her treatments and disease took on her body, there will not be a traditional funeral, wake, or visitation.  A large celebration of Malins wonderful life will be scheduled once her parents have time to grieve and try to comprehend the enormity and totality of their loss. Malin thought this would be a more positive way for her friends and family to be able to say goodbye.  In lieu of flowers the family requests that you consider making a donation to Malins memorial, Venmo @Patricia-Opitz-1.  She will be laid to rest at Mt. Holly Cemetery.

Malin had the biggest heart and always looked for the good in everyone around her. Malin gave her all to everyone, never afraid to love and be loved. The risk of love is loss and the price of loss is grief. But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love”-Hilary Stanton Zunin.  Arrangements are being handled with the utmost respect and care by Ruebel Funeral Home. 

Lisa Jennings Mack
Mar 11th, 2023 6:17 pm
My deepest condolences to you, Patty, and your husband and family. Praying earnestly for you.
Steele Matthews
Feb 22nd, 2023 6:49 pm
My heart is broken for Malins family and friends. I’m so grateful I got to meet and spend time with Malin at camp. Something I will always carry with me is when she told me that going into treatments she would lift her fist triumphantly and say onward. She exhibited true perseverance, joy, and thoughtfulness. I hope I can carry on what I’ve learned from her. All of my love goes to those who know and love Malin.
Dwight and Mary Segraves
Feb 21st, 2023 11:24 am
Our hearts are broken for you.
Virginia Flippin Edmister
Feb 11th, 2023 12:17 am
There are no words that can say how sorry I am for your loss. My heart has been broken for you from the moment I learned of Malin’s diagnosis. I will continue to pray that you will feel God’s arms around you. I pray for peace, comfort and strength. Hold on to each other.
Wayne and Jan Landers
Feb 9th, 2023 2:36 pm
Our sincerest condolences to you and your family.
Unfortunately we did not meet sweet Malin, but know that she was your heart and soul. Praying for your family during this most difficult time. Love and lots of prayer sent your way!
Kim Prescott
Feb 6th, 2023 8:16 pm
Our hearts are broken for you. Sending our deepest and most sincere condolences to your entire family. May God cover and keep you in His embrace. Love, the Prescotts
Kate Lonberger
Feb 6th, 2023 10:28 am
Her sister Girl Scouts - young and old - wrap you all in our embrace. Our hearts ache with you. Sending love from all Girl Scouts.
Amy K Limp
Feb 6th, 2023 9:37 am
There are no words, Patty and Jonathan. I can’t stop thinking about your family. The depth of grief is just unimaginable. Love to you.
Malcolm & Marla Rigsby
Feb 5th, 2023 8:26 am
We send our hugs and embrace. Malcolm & Marla
Crystal C. Mercer
Feb 4th, 2023 7:00 pm
Malin, you lived your life with grit and grace. You will always be loved, cherished, and remembered.
Gina Moore
Feb 3rd, 2023 7:53 pm
Malin was a true inspiration to everyone around her. I am so bless to have the opportunity to know her. I will always remember how much she love to draw and create beautiful pictures. My prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Loistine Humphrey
Feb 3rd, 2023 7:17 pm
Malin was really a sweet girl. I am so glad I got to know her when she was in Pre K. I really enjoyed sitting and talking with her and watching her draw pictures of me and other CARE workers in after school CARE. She loved to draw and she was really GOOD at it. With deepest sympathy my prayers and condolences are being extended to your family. I will continue to pray for your family as they heal and move forward.
Edie Scaletta
Feb 3rd, 2023 7:17 pm
Elaine. I am so very sorry for you and your family’s loss. I only knew her from pictures and stories of her life through Facebook, but I could tell this was a happy exceptional and beautiful girl. I will continue to pray for your family to find comfort and love with each other.
Rebekkah Ferguson
Feb 3rd, 2023 4:11 pm
Sweet Malin girl, you were such a force to be reckoned with. I am so grateful not only for the time of being your teacher, but more for the years together of getting hello’s in the driveway after school. You were the sweetest neighbor I could ever ask for. It was such a joy to watch you not just grow, but truly thrive. Your kind spirit is unmatched, and I will always be so thankful for getting to share the years with you. Fly high my sweet girl, you are so, so missed. Love, Mrs. Ferguson and Mr. Lance
Nancy Muennink Barnhill
Feb 3rd, 2023 2:35 pm
i"m the grandmother of Christian Shaffer and i graduated from Robert E. Lee high school with Susan. i just wanted to let you know how sorry i am to hear of Malin's passing. i also lost Christian from DIPG, 12 years ago. your family are in my thoughts and if at any time you need to talk, please feel free to e-mail me. With love and prayers.
Nolen Buffalo
Feb 3rd, 2023 2:31 pm
I’m so so sorry. We are all hurting with you. We all love you guys very very much.
Toni Gocke Wyre
Feb 3rd, 2023 1:06 pm
What a beautiful tribute to an inspiring and feisty little girl. I will always remember Malin borrowing my colored pencils and markers on those days at the PSW office when school was out and all of us Momma’s would set the kids up in their own play room. My 9-year old son, Garrett, liked to talk favorite “Disney” movies with her and he has prayed for her every day since we heard the news of her diagnosis. Malin loved my markers and pencils, which were always lined up and organized like a rainbow, and I was happy to share them with her. She used them all! I thought then, this girl likes to draw with every color, and indeed she did. I’m reminded of that now, when I think back on what a delightful child she was, that she truly lived her live in every color - and how blessed I am to have been but a small part of her all-too-brief journey with us. Rest easy, Malin. Your light shines on. I’m wrapping my arms around this family through prayer and continue to hope that in time, the fond memories will rise up to overtake the sad ones.
Tony and Mary Robinson
Feb 3rd, 2023 11:02 am
Our deepest condolences. We have prayed for Marlin often and truly believe God has big plans for her. We also pray for you, Jonathan and Patty, that your hurt and sadness are replaced with joyous memories and faith that God has plans for you as well.
Kristen Minton
Feb 3rd, 2023 10:51 am
What a beautiful tribute! The love in your family is palpable.
Kathi Reed Stayman
Feb 3rd, 2023 8:52 am
I am so sorry for your loss and so thankful for Malin's trust in God. That is our only hope.
I am a cousin in Fayetteville and grew up with "the Watts kids." I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Deeply, Kathi
Vicky and Jim
Feb 3rd, 2023 7:40 am
We remember visiting with Malin at home not long after she was diagnosed. When we were leaving, she told her mom that she wanted to send some trail mix home with us and some for Drew and Ben. She made up a bag of marshmallows, M&M’s , and whatever else she could find! She was always thinking of others . Her sweet funny spirit will be missed so much. Our love and our prayers are with you both.
Tammi Ledbetter
Feb 2nd, 2023 11:34 pm
Grateful to have known Malin’s story through LuLu and PopPop and 9 years worth of their stories on Facebook. What a treasure God gave you all. Thank you for helping me know how special she is through such a sweet testimony of a life well-lived. Onward, indeed.

“In that day He will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth. He will swallow up death forever!
The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears.” Isaiah 25:7-8.
Terri Cross
Feb 2nd, 2023 10:02 pm
My sweet, hysterical, and most creative Malin was nothing but a treasure. She and I started Jefferson at the same time, and I had the pleasure to call her a student since kindergarten. I loved watching her in class, and she was a joy teach. It was an honor to be part of her learning and even more of an honor to have a glimpse inside her beautiful brain as an amazing person.
Haley Greer
Feb 2nd, 2023 9:42 pm
Patty, I am heartbroken for you and your husband, Jonathan, and I know that your hearts are broken beyond repair. I know that you cherished every second with Malin, especially in the last eight months, and I’m sorry that they were overshadowed with what the future held for you all, and now the future is here. I’m certain that you are numb in your grief, and will remain so for a long while. I know that there is nothing anyone can say to change what you’re going through and how you’re feeling. I can tell from Facebook posts that you are Christians, and I know that gives you some comfort, but it’s still unbearably hard to lose a beloved child. It is completely unfair that a lifetime with Malin has been taken from you, as it is with all parents who lose children; I wish it wasn’t a part of life. There will come a time when you will not cry every day, but there will never come a time when you don’t think of her every day. There will always be reminders, although you won’t need them to remember. It’s the wound that never heals. Make no apologies, and lean into your grief whenever, and for however long, you need to. Believe it or not, you will smile again, you will sing again. I am so sorry, and will continue to lift you and your husband up in prayer. -Haley
Jason Schulz
Feb 2nd, 2023 8:21 pm
Although I only got to meet Malin face to face for a very short period of time, watching and reading of her journey through the last 8 months can tell anyone about her strength, her passion, her courage and the love she conveyed. She is and will be an inspiration for anyone who followed this Journey.. RIL Malin
Jan Hubbard
Feb 2nd, 2023 8:08 pm
I remember going to the hospital to see this beautiful young lady right after her arrival in this world. She was a beautiful baby and grew to a more beautiful young lady. I am sure God has blessed her with the most gorgeous halo. Peace be with you Malin.
Korie Trice
Feb 2nd, 2023 7:58 pm
Beautiful tribute to beautiful Malin! Our family is sending all our love and prayers as you experience this difficult time. May God’s peace be with you, the Trice family
Stacey, Kate and Meg Faulkner
Feb 2nd, 2023 7:26 pm
What a beautiful tribute to an amazing girl. We are praying for you all and are heartbroken for the huge loss to our sweet school family. Much love to all.
Catherine (klena) Surkosky
Feb 2nd, 2023 7:23 pm
Oh elaine , so very sorry for you loss
Brittney Marshall and Laney Marshall
Feb 2nd, 2023 6:59 pm
Our prayers are with sweet Malin family.
Cathy Tuggle
Feb 2nd, 2023 6:44 pm
Malin was so beautiful and an inspiration to us all! Sending lots of love and prayers to you both!
Richard Watts
Feb 2nd, 2023 5:45 pm
I remember last summer with Malin laughing at her cousins while being pulled in the tube, or her obvious pride in steering the houseboat around the lake or her hugging Murphy while commenting that Chewy would be jealous. She was a very special little girl with an old soul and I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with her.
Marisha, Tony, Tony, and Savannah DiCarlo
Feb 2nd, 2023 4:31 pm
Malin’s life was a bright light. Our family believes her “mission” of demonstrating hope, courage, perseverance, and humor has a ripple effect upon so many people, for many years to come. We love you and pray for peace during this difficult time.
Deborah and Steve Nipper
Feb 2nd, 2023 4:10 pm
Our hearts are broken for you but we know Malin is not in pain and with her Heavenly Father. We will continue to pray for both of you as you take care of each other and heal.
Vontifany Smith-Johnson
Feb 2nd, 2023 3:28 pm
My deepest and sincerest condolences are extended to the Opitz family. As that beautiful Angel stated…God has bigger plans! What life, love an laughter that precious 9 1/2 year old displayed her short time her on earth. May it forever be in the hearts of her family, friends and loved ones! Love you Patty! As a mom of a warrior of childhood cancer, you will forever be in my thoughts and prayers! God bless an keep you during this moment and moments to come.

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