George Macfadden

George Macfadden "G-man" Wells

Dec 1, 1950 - Nov 26th, 2022
  • Birth Date: Dec 1, 1950
  • Death Date: Nov 26, 2022
  • Funeral Date: Dec 1, 2022, 11:00 am
  • Location: St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Print this Obituary

Biography: George Macfadden “G-Man” Wells outfoxed ‘em for the final time when he died peacefully in his sleep during the early morning of November 26, 2022.

G-Man’s previous near-death experiences included overcoming multiple brain tumors, a pulmonary embolism, and a stroke all by age 40, none of which kept him down. He also survived prostate cancer, which seemed like a minor cold after everything else.  His family joked that he would outlive them all because he was so stubborn, so the irony of him going peacefully is not lost on anyone who knew him.

G-Man was often cantankerous and demanding, laughed frequently (most often at himself), and created moments of joy as well as a few headaches for those he loved.

Even post-stroke, G-Man was a man with a plan; on family vacations, he carried a binder with a minute-by-minute itinerary for each day and internet print-outs with the details of each planned activity and meal.

Before his stroke, G-Man ran 14 marathons in places ranging from London, England to Dallas, Texas. Running the New York City marathon was an annual tradition for him.  He also once convinced his very much not-a-runner wife, Becky, to join him for the Bay to Breakers 12K costume race in San Francisco. The pair ran dressed as The Blues Brothers, with Becky as Jake and G-Man as Elwood Blues.

When he went out to eat, G-Man liked to arrive at the restaurant before it opened to ensure he wouldn’t have to wait in line to get a table.  When he was seated and saw there were no other diners at the restaurant, he’d announce, “Well, we outfoxed ‘em.”

In the 1980s, each year as Independence Day neared, G-Man would announce to his 2 kids, Mary Kathryn and Mac, “Get in the car, we’re going to blow up our friends.” Then with both kids in the back seat, he would pull up in front of the homes of dear family friends, light the fuse of a string of Black Cat firecrackers, toss them out the car window and into the front yard, and speed away, all three laughing hysterically as the popping shook the whole neighborhood.

His ability to outrun death was proven again by his idea of perpetually being “on a diet,” which consisted of him fasting completely, except for a nightly carton of ice cream and keeping a 5-pound bag of M&Ms next to his recliner.  He was never diagnosed with diabetes despite this unique diet of ice cream and chocolate along with some occasional barbecue from Whole Hog, which G-Man considered a protein-rich health food.

He once tumbled into the hedges during a family photo shoot and shouted to the photographer from the bushes, “did you get the shot of me falling?!”

His driving skills were legendary; he once managed to rear-end another car from the front when he backed into the car behind him at a stop sign while driving his kids’ school carpool.  He also side-swiped an 18-wheeler on the interstate, attaching his Ford Explorer to the 18-wheeler for a long stretch of highway.  When it came time to teach his own kids to drive, he told them, “you want to weave in and out of the traffic and try not to use your brakes,” and “you shouldn’t turn your head, that’s what your mirrors are for.”

He was a lifelong fan of James Brown’s music and once in his younger days, following a James Brown concert in Little Rock, G-Man successfully stalked down and knocked on James’ hotel room door. James answered in his robe and with curlers in his hair.

Even when his kids were totally embarrassed by him, G-Man volunteered to be McGruff the Crime Dog at their school and signed them up for all the father-daughter and father-son activities.

After his stroke left him unable to work, G-Man began tutoring a first grader at Jefferson Elementary School through a volunteer program.  G-Man and that student, now a grown man in his 30s, were still in touch at the time of his death.

When G-Man’s grandson, Lane, came to live with him and Becky, G-Man and Lane would sit at the top of their long, steep driveway and roll matchbox cars down together for hours at a time.

G-Man was a graduate of Hendrix College, which his dad insisted he attend.  Because he didn’t have a say in choosing his own university, G-Man wanted his daughter to go to college anywhere she chose, as long as it wasn’t in California – too many “damn libs”.  When his daughter turned out to be one of those damn libs, he loved her just the same.  He also received an MBA from Southern Methodist University.

Though his stroke forced him into unexpected early retirement, he was proud of his impactful career in commercial real estate, during which he helped develop the Heights Theatre, Breckenridge Village shopping center, and other commercial spaces around Little Rock.  At the time of his stroke and retirement, he had been newly instated as the president of the Downtown Little Rock Partnership, which works to grow and enhance Little Rock’s core.  He was also a committed member of the Rotary Club of Little Rock, and G-Man’s peers made donations in his honor to name him a Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow.

He was nutty, unrelenting, and often difficult, but he also loved his family dearly and had a great sense of humor.  He was his family’s very own Clark Griswold – the main character from the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation movie that G-Man and his family loved watching together, precisely because Clark Griswold reminded them so much of G-Man.

He is survived by his wife of over 40 years, Becky Wells; his daughter, Mary Kathryn Wells, her husband, Chris Vinyard, and their kids, Wells, Beck, and Mary Coco Vinyard (all of Nashville, TN); his grandson, Lane Wells (of Little Rock, AR); and his brothers, Bob Wells (of Raleigh, NC), John Wells (of Hot Springs, AR), and Bill Wells (of Louisville, KY) and their families.

He is reunited in death with his parents, Libby and George Wells; his son, George Macfadden “Mac” Wells, Jr.; and his favorite dog, a black lab named Dixie.

G-Man would want to be remembered as a man of God who had strong morals, and who loved his family, as demonstrated by the fact that Becky woke the morning after his death to find that G-Man had already prepped her morning coffee and left it ready for her.

A memorial service will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 11 a.m. at St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Little Rock, Arkansas.

In lieu of flowers, we know G-Man would be grateful for donations in his memory to Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Central Arkansas, of which he was once president.

Donna Bartell
Dec 5th, 2022 10:18 am
Danny always called George My Main Man and best friend. We both have so many wonderful running trip memories with you BECKY. What fun we had together! George was a special person and we admired him and loved him. He was a strong Christian and family man and friend. We send heartfelt sympathy to all your familyBecky. He will be missed by so many friends. Love, Donna and Danny
Donna Bartell
Dec 3rd, 2022 11:54 am
Danny called him My Main Man And best friend. We have so many wonderful running marathon trip memories together and what fun we had! His obituary said it all and tells why he had so many loving friends who will truly miss him. But he was a strong Christian who we all respected and admired so may God bless all your family with heartfelt sympathy. Love, Donna and Danny Bartell
Lacey McGhee Wells
Dec 2nd, 2022 2:51 pm
So sad to hear of Mr. George’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Sam Blair
Nov 30th, 2022 9:13 pm
George and I entered LR Central High on the same day: he as a lowly sophomore, I as a lowly first-year teacher. I got to know him his jr year when he was one of a handful of juniors selected for a one-week exchange program Central had with West High in Madison, WI. I’ve enjoyed his friendship ever since. I miss you already, George. Thinking of you, Becky.
Jolene Johnson Coop
Nov 30th, 2022 5:07 pm
Becky and family, I am saddened to read of the loss of George. He was a unique, driven and funny man. My prayers are with your family.
Judy Smith
Nov 30th, 2022 12:07 pm
What a legacy! I am acquanted with the Wells Family in Monticello. Worked with Liz Wells Chandler and her son, Dr. Tony Chandler at the university and became friends with Marianne Wells Golden. My Uncle purchased and relocated the gracious, old Wells family home, formerly located beside the Methodist Church in Monticello. Wish I had met George.
Isaac Smith
Nov 30th, 2022 4:23 am
A great tribute to an incredible man. Following a family tragedy 30+ years ago, George delivered donuts to our family every week for years. That was a such a comforting and loving thing to us - I will never forget it. In years following, I always looked forward to our interactions. George always had humor but also sincerity, a rare combo that I hope to emulate.
Karen Ortiz
Nov 29th, 2022 9:53 am
My deepest condolences to you, Becky and Mary Kathryn. G-man has left his legacy through love and living life to the fullest despite all obstacles. May the sweetness of this holiday season be a balm to your loss. Sending love from NYC. - Karen

Nov 28th, 2022 5:46 pm
I never met G-Man, I actually just came across his obituary by chance. It was so thoughtfully and genuinely written that I couldn’t stop reading and now I can’t stop talking to people about this wonderful sounding man I have never met. Thank you for sharing a piece of him with the world, I think I’ll always remember it!
Ben Sims
Nov 28th, 2022 2:32 pm
Becky and Family:

I am saddened by what you are going through at this time. Always enjoyed seeing George when visiting in your home or my mother's. He was a good man with good values and very gracious in everyway. We go back a long way to the beginning of your marriage when I sang at your wedding service. My prayers and thoughts go with you in the weeks, months to come. Thanks for sharing the eulogy message it brought all of us closer to George and what made him who he was. Blessings to the Wells Family.
Tom Alstadt
Nov 28th, 2022 2:01 pm
We were shocked and greatly saddened when notified of George's passing. I was already planning our lunch for this week from Terri Lynn's - he loved the BBQ and the Coach sandwich with pecan pie! George was a good friend and I miss him already. You have been a devoted and loving wife, mother, and grandmother. We pray that the Lord Jesus will lift you up during this time of grief and give you strength to carry on. Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Love, Tom & Shirley
Sarah Campbell Arnett
Nov 28th, 2022 8:39 am
Sorry to hear of George’s death. The Wells we’re neighbors of ours in the early 1970s. Many a night we sat on their porch visiting with daddy George and Libby.
Johnny May
Nov 28th, 2022 6:40 am
Becky, you are an amazing wife, mother, amd gran mom! Whomever wrote this eulogy of G-man is really gifted! Again, I’m guessing it was you or your sweet daughter! Love u guys and see u on Thursday!
Donald Campbell
Nov 27th, 2022 4:00 pm
To the Wells family, our generations of family intersection from Monticello to across the street on Oak Street has been a long. Prayers for all of you. Don Campbells
Jack East
Nov 27th, 2022 3:14 pm
Becky and Children, Maryann and I are so sorry for the loss of G-Man. Unique guy, wonderful friend, empathetic and oddball all rolled into one. He will be greatly missed by all. Maryann and Jack East
Nancy Dailey Austin
Nov 27th, 2022 2:56 pm
Becky and family,
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Jonathan Timm
Nov 27th, 2022 10:16 am
I was greatly saddened to learn of George’s passing. My sympathies go out to all of his family. Having been a neighborhood contemporary as well as a schoolmate from Pulaski Heights through Central High school days, I always admired and had the highest opinion of George. I was so glad that I got to see him a few years ago at a Central reunion when I saw him getting out of the car with another former schoolmate and friend Richard Davies. George and I shared some conversation and memories which made our encounter the highlight of the evening for me. I will always have great memories of George and the Wells family and their ‘Boy’s Town’ home on Oak Street.
Chuck Carroll
Nov 27th, 2022 10:10 am
George and I became friends in the 11th grade. Our friendship remained strong for 55+years. A lot of great memories[mostly good, some not]. One story that says it all. About 20 years ago,I'm in the hospital, having had some serious stomach surgery.There is a sign on my door that says NO VISITORS! I wake up from a nap and there is Mr. G sitting beside my bed.I ask him if he saw the sign and he said yes, but it didn't apply to him Typical George.
Larry Carpenter
Nov 27th, 2022 7:39 am
My condolences to Becky and family. I got to know George through the running community-Ge ogre once leaving a run east of NLR because of the abundance of animals near the swamp we passed. Sometime I found out he and former Gazette reporter Bob were brothers. George and running friend Dan Bartell had many adventures on the road they shared with me. And he was so much more as his obituary tells us and his life teaches us. I am glad to have known him as a friend.
Robert Bumpas
Nov 27th, 2022 6:26 am
So sad to see my old friend Mr. G's obituary. I met him at Hendrix College and he was always the greatest to be near. He was always ready with an opinion and it wasn't long before we all turned the discussion into great fun.
My prayers are ongoing for the family.
Mark McMurtrey
Nov 26th, 2022 6:09 pm
I did not know the G-man myself and it sounds like I missed out on a lot. My brother Winfield and I have known John for about 50 years so I guess that counts for something lol. Our condolences to the family and I am glad that the G-man did end up touching my life, and I feel enriched by it. God bless you all.
Becky Tucker
Nov 26th, 2022 3:59 pm
What a perfect description of Mr.G. Thank you, Mary Kathryn. I know you wrote it through your tears. He will be missed terribly by all Tucker family members. He was larger than life for us. He was such a dear, loving friend. He truly had a heart of good. I am heartsick he is gone from us. God bless you and keep you.
My love to all of you,

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