Gertrude Remmel Butler

Unknown - Sep 29th, 2007
  • Birth Date: Unknown
  • Death Date: Sep 29, 2007
  • Funeral Date: Unknown
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Biography: Gertrude Remmel Butler, of Little Rock, died in her home Saturday, September 29, 2007. She was born March 31, 1910, at 314 Broadway in Little Rock, the oldest child of Augustus Caleb Remmel and Ellen Lucy (Nell) Cates Remmel. Her father was chairman of the Republican State Committee when he died in 1920; and her mother was Republican National Committeewoman for Arkansas when she died in 1961, having served since 1928. Because of her father's untimely death leaving her mother with six children under ten years of age, Gertrude, as the oldest, assumed a parental role early in her life. Other than her parents, she was predeceased by her beloved husband Richard Colburn Butler, four brothers, Harmon Liveright Remmel II, Augustus Caleb Remmel, Jr., Pratt Cates Remmel, Roland Rowe Remmel, a sister Carrie Remmel Dickinson and two nieces, Ruth Ellen Remmel and Kitty Fuess Clement. Gertrude and friend Grainger Williams graduated from Little Rock High School in 1928 in the first graduating class from the beautiful building now housing Central High School where she served as its first female cheerleader. She attended National Park Seminary near Washington, D.C. and graduated in 1930. On returning to Little Rock she became a lifeguard at the White City pool and was elected to the advisory board of the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA She took up archery, won many trophies and became a model for Ben Pearson bows and arrows. She started volunteering for the Pulaski County Chapter of the American Red Cross about 1933, became a member of the motor pool and eventually the oldest member of its board of directors and an honorary member of the Clara Barton Society. On March 7, 1936, at First Methodist Church, Little Rock, she married Richard C. Butler, an attorney whom she knew through the Epworth League. During World War II they lived in Alexandria, Va., while Dick was stationed at the National Airport. Gertrude Butler served on the Board of Lady Guardians of the Ada Thompson Memorial Home until it merged into Presbyterian Village where she led two aerobics classes every Thursday for over thirty years. For her other volunteer work there she was honored by the naming of the Gertrude Butler Lounge. She was a member of the Junior League of Little Rock and served as its president 1948-49. She was an active member of the Arkansas Arts Center, traveling each January for many years with her sister Carrie to the Colonial Williamsburg Antiques Forum. She was a member of the Little Rock Chapter of the Garden Club of America, serving as president 1956-58 and winning a Zone IX horticulture award in 1981 and a national award in 2005 for her partnership with Virginia Alexander in creating and caring for the Pulaski County Courthouse rose garden. Other boards she served include Goodwill Industries, the Trebing Memorial Home for Blind Women and, as a charter member, the Arkansas Field Office of the Nature Conservancy. She was a 1998 winner of the David Pryor CareLinks award for community service and was named philanthropist of the year 2002 by Arkansas Fundraising Professionals. She created GRB funds at the Arkansas Community Foundation and Jones Eye Institute. Every day of her active adult life she was thinking and doing what she could to help others. Her donations include the healing garden at Baptist Health Center, land for the Heifer International world headquarters, Butler Plaza at Hendrix College, concert sponsorships of the Little Rock Wind Symphony, the Bush-Remmel genealogy room at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, part of the new building for the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute, the gazebo and benches at Wildwood Park for the Performing Arts, land for the westward expansion of the YMCA of Metropolitan Little Rock and landscaping and flagpoles for Armistead Village and Wilson Court, independent living programs of Easter Seals Arkansas. She was a member of the Central Arkansas Iris Society, the Country Club of Little Rock, the Fine Arts Club, the Firehouse Hostel and Museum, the Pulaski County Historical Society and the Quapaw Quarter Association. And she was the person for whom the Gertrude Remmel Butler Child Development Center of First United Methodist Church, Little Rock, was named. She is survived by her son, Richard Colburn Butler III of Little Rock and Washington, Ark.; two sisters-in-law, Jean Purrington Remmel and husband William H. FitzSimmons of New York and Ruth Rebsamen Remmel of Little Rock; nieces Alexandra Remmel Swoope and husband Carter Of New York, Rosalyn Remmel Morgan and husband Richard of Lawton, La., Catherine Remmel Matthews, Rebecca Couch Remmel, Mary Remmel Wohlleb and husband Jim, Karen Remmel Lowry and husband Steven of Fayetteville, Nan Ellen Dickinson East and husband Jack, Marguerite Fuess Sidner and husband Bill of Marietta, Ga., Kathryn Winn Eoff of Wimberley, Tex.; nephews Harmon Lawrence Remmel, Esq. and wife Helen of New York, Pratt Cates Remmel, Jr., Raymond Roland Remmel, M.D. and wife Margarita Garcia, M.D., Haskell Lee Dickinson II and wife Peggy, Remmel Tyndall Dickinson of little Rock and Alexandria, Va., and James Buchanan Winn III of Wimberley; and many great-nephews and nieces. The funeral will be held at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 3, at First United Methodist Church, 723 Center, Little Rock, with the Rev. Michael L. Mattox and Bishop Charles N. Crutchfield. Interment will follow at Mount Holly Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Gertie's favorite charities. Arrangements by Ruebel Funeral Home,

Sharlett Craig and Tom Grunden
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, Tom and I are so sad about Gertie. We want you to know that we think of you often and miss seeing you. Please let me know if there is anything we can help you with. Love to you.
Patsy Stover
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
My thoughts are with you Richard, as I sit here today writing an obituary for dear Gertie for the Central Arkansas Iris Society newsletter. She was held in much regard, and deep affection by our members. When I go to iris conventions around the country, I am always asked by her old friends,"How's Gertie?" So many gardeners around the country whose live's she touched. I'll always remember her with every daffodil that blooms. We miss her greatly.
Marie Remmel Sims
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, our family loved Gertie and she was always so sweet and kind. Remember, she is never really gone until all the lives she has touched are gone. I know you will keep all your wonderful memories close and this will help you through this difficult time.
The Paul Remmel family.
David Burnett
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard I was sadden to learn that you had lost your mother.

I just want you to know that I am greatful for having known your mother.

Each time I look at a Irish I think of her and your dad. They gave me insprition to grow Iris.

There is a funny that your mother tole when Joan and I were together. someone asked her about having to clean the house when she was having a group over to view that garden in the back yard, your mother replied no I not going to have the house cleaned up so it can get dirtty again. I will have it cleaned up after they leave.

Sincerely, David Burnett
Keith Hearnsberger
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
My deepest sympathies to you during this time. I pray God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Travis and Margaret Johnson
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, The Arkansas School for the Blind Alumni Association appreciates all the acts of kindness shown to the school and the alumni association by your mother. She will be remembered next spring at the alumni association memorial service.
Dick Seifert
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
To my dear friend and driver, Richard and family
Your mother was and is a wonderful, kind, and generous lady!
Margaret & Larry Stephens
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Gertie was a true lady. We will always remember her bright smile and the graciousness she brought with her when she visited us in Washington.
Jerry and Melody Wilhoit
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
We are friends of your mother and dad through the iris society. Your parents were wonderful people and you are so lucky to be their son. We miss your dad very much. He was a great man! Gertie was a delight and we are so sorry she is gone. She did so much and the world was a better place because of her. Bless your family in this sad time.
LaVera Johnson
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Much love & comfort to the family. She was a great lady. I knew her best in the Iris Society,
M. D. Faith and June Faith
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard and family, we are sorry to hear about Gertie, she was such a bright and considerate friend. We will continue to miss her more, even now, that she has gone on to that well deserved place, where the infirmities are no longer a hindrance. May God bless her abundantly. Ninety seven years is testimony to a woman, of determination and dedication, to live life to it's fullest. The totality of her life is a living tribute to the goodness and greatness of Gertie Butler.
David Miller
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard: Though it is painful to lose a parent, you should be comforted to know that your mother led a long and useful life, in the course of which she affected hundreds of people in a positive way. Tish joins in sending our condolences.
Herman Shirley
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard and family, my thoughts are with you in this time of loss. What a lovely life with so many different interests and achievements. You have a great legacy to continue.
Herman Shirley
Edward Joe Dean Files
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, my condolences to the family. Gertrude "Gertie" was always kind to me and a wonderful person and help to my son and daughter, Joey and Melissa. Our prayers go out to you.
Ann Treadway Henry
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard: My prayers and thoughts are with you!!Your Mother was a great lady and I respected her so much!! I have a good feeling Gertie and my Mother are visiting with Aunt Mabel this very moment!! I know one thing for certain they are talking politics and Nelle Remmel is right there,also!!
BeBe McKinney Deal
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Natasha Murray-Norman and Mark Norman
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Dear Richard, Mark and I would like to offer our sincere condolences. We pray that God will give you comfort and peace. Be blessed and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Peace and blessings,
John M. Oakes
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Jan Smith
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of great loss. Your mother was a great lady with a wonderful spirit and sense of humor. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know her and visit with her on several occassions. She was a true inspiration to me, and to others I am certain. I will always remember her quick wit, her smile and the ever present twinkle in her eye. Little Rock is a better place due to her countless philanthropic projects. I will be forever grateful for her support of our YMCA. I will remember you and the rest of the family in my prayers. Sincerely,
Trudy Magruder
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
The world is a better place for Gertie Butler having been in it. My sons and I miss her already. Love,
Alan Gibson
Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am
Richard, I am so very sad to hear of the passing of a wonderful lady and friend. Clearly one of the most giving people I have ever known and someone who always made me smile. To you and the family I offer my sincere condolances. Her legacy will live forever in this community and across Arkansas. The thousands who have benefited from her charitable spirit will remember her. Her dedication to the work of the Red Cross will never be forgotten and she will always be in my heart.

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