Mary Grace Tucker

Obituary Notice
Mary Grace Tucker, age 11, of Little Rock, died Sunday, July 31, 2005. She
was born May 5, 1994, in Little Rock the daughter of Dr. Stephen and Teena
Tucker. Mary Grace attended Pulaski Academy from Kindergarten to the fifth
grade. She was an excellent student having straight As, and a cheerleader at
school. Mary Grace loved swimming and was a member of the Laser Swim Team of the
Little Rock Athletic Club. She was the State Champion Butterfly swimmer for her
age group. Mary loved her family, school, her teachers and her friends.
She is survived by her parents, Dr. Robert Stephen and Teena Marie Robbins
Tucker of Little Rock, two brothers Daniel Rush Tucker of Branson, Missouri,
John David Tucker of Little Rock, one sister Hanna Robins Tucker of Little Rock,
parental grandmother, Mae Anne Tucker of Searcy, maternal grandparents, Mary Lou
and Ed Stanley Robbins of Florence, Alabama, one uncle David Songer Tucker of
Portland, Oregon, three aunts, Lisa Morris, Eddy Carlton, and Nannette Rogers
all of Florence, Alabama, and her Godparents, Bruce and Barbara Gump.
There will be a funeral service Wednesday, August 3rd, at 11:00 AM at
Fellowship Bible Church officiated by Reverend Bill Parkinson. Arrangements are
under the direction of Ruebel Funeral Home,
Memorials in lieu of flowers should be made to the Laser Swim Team at the
Little Rock Athletic Club, Pulaski Academy or Arkansas Pediatric Facility (
payable to the Arkansas Child Fund ), 4100 Heritage, North Little Rock, AR
Register Book
- Teena and Dr Steven, What great love and sympathy we extend (at this time)
to you and all your family!!!!! The One you hold dearest to your heart will
sustain you with strength you never knew possible. You are both such dear
people and we have thought of you often and will keep your needs in our
prayers. Our Deepest Love,
Clifton and Nettia Hale
El Dorado, Arkansas
- Steve & Teresa Burton
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dear Dr. Tucker and Mrs. Tucker, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your
precious daughter. My heart goes out to you and your family. My prayers and
thoughts are with you at this difficult time. May God bless you and heal you
from the pain you are suffering.
Janis & Richard Creasey
Cantar Pool Prod/Baldwin & Shell Const.
Little Rock, Arkansas
- May God be with you in your time of sorrow.
Michelle Harris
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dr. Stephen Tucker and Family, I am so sorry for the heartache you must be
enduring. As a member of the Christian Community I will pray for your family
and friends to surround each other with love and caring. The following poem
was written by Genesse B. Gentry called "Candles in the Night"
Candles flame in darkness, flicker, steadily glow, bringing light from
shadows and help to soothe me so.
My daughter, like the candles, gave my life true light. I use the
candle's beacon to connect us in the night.
As I light the candles, my wish and my request is that she'll see my
signal and know my love's expressed.
As her light joins my lights, our worlds touch and flame. As I snuff out
the candles, I softly say her name.
May God Bless you
Susan Reedy
Sherwood, Arkansas
- Our Father knows your hearts; and we will bear your burden with you. We
rejoice in the knowledge that we will all be reunited in Christ's Glory. May
He come back soon!
Laura, Mike, Shannon and Carla Eubanks
Mabelvale, Arkansas
- Please know how much you are loved from the whole Rowlett family. You are
in our prayers.
Kathy Rowlett
Searcy, Arkansas
- We have been praying ever since we heard about this tragedy, that God see
you through today and the days ahead. Our hearts are so sad for your family,
and we want you to know you are all loved.
Jay and Becky Sims
Stonewall, Louisiana
- We love you Stephen and Teena. We are heartbroken for your family and the
loss of your beloved daughter. We are and will continue to pray for you and
the family. God Bless you and may God bring you some peace.
Richard and Tammy Johnson
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Your family has meant so much to our family in the past years, and we
share in your deep sorrow now. I wish my health would permit me to be there
with you. Love,
Billie Rowlett
Stonewall, Louisiana
- Dr. and Mrs. Tucker, May God give you comfort during this time of
grieving. You family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Carolyn Roller
UALR Employee
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Teena, I heard on Sunday night at services at Darby Drive in Florence
about the death of your daughter. I know this will be one of the hardest
things for you and your family to deal with. You, your husband, your other
children, and all your relatives are in my thoughts and prayers.
Beth Miles Gean
Florence, Alabama
- You do not know me, but I have attended some of Dr. Tucker's presentations
at UALR. I am hurting and grieving with you. I can in no way began to
understand the depth of your pain, but please know I even now am wrapping
arms of care and love around you! Please know I am lifting you up to receive
God's strength and comfort. May angels carry you and God's grace keep you
Susan Wade
UALR Administrative Assistant
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Stephen and Tina I can not even imagine what you are going through, but I
just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and my
heart is hurting for you. You do have the reassurance that you will see her
again some day and I know that seems like nothing right now but I hope by
knowing this the pain will get easier as each day goes by. Love you, Tommy
& Edna Gunn
Edna Marie (Grissom) Gunn
Batesville, Arkansas
- Nicole Bailey
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Though I did not know your beloved Mary Grace, My heart goes out to you
and your family.
Brian Roberts
Simpsonville, South Carolina
- Our love and heart felt sympathy and prayers for all of you. May the Peace
of God and promise of Resurrection comfort and give you peace in His Love at
this time.
Mary Lou and Scott Henninger
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
- Our prayers and thoughts are with you!
Phil and Sandi Harris
Bryant, Arkansas
- Our hearts go out to you in the loss of your precious daughter. Please
know we are thinking of you and praying for you.
David & Linda Martin Williams
CityState: Florence, Alabama
- My prayers are with you.
Anita Norman
(Jessica's grandmother)
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dear Stephen & Teena, My heart breaks for both of you. Know that
you're in my prayers and my familys prayers also. May God bless & keep
you and yours and I pray that Christs peace be with you. Sincerely,
Curtis Pangle & Family
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- From a concerned PA Mom and patient of Dr. Tucker; My heart breaks for you
and your family. I am praying for you.
Jamie Haraway
Little Rock, Arkansas
- To the Tucker Family- We know how special Mary Grace was to you all and
how special she was to all of us. All of our thoughts and prayers are with
your family during this time.
Carolyn Hogue and Nikki Waller
Aquatics Office at the Little Rock Athletic Club
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Cynthia J. Highfill
Little Rock Family Practice West - Lab
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Jennifer Ahart
Little Rock Family Practice West - Lab
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Please accept my deepest sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with you
and your family.
Lisa Anderson
Asst. Director of Nursing - Easter Seals - Arkansas
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Clarissa Johnson
Little Rock Family Practice West Lab
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Sheila Blackmon
Lab Tech - Little Rock Family Practice
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Catrina Bosire
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dear Teena, Stephen and family: You are in our thoughts and prayers during
this most difficult time and we extend our deepest sympathy.
Sandra & Neil Morris
Tuscumbia, Alabama
- My deepest sympathy to the Tucker family. may god be with you during this
very difficult time.
Tanya Doughty
Patient of Dr. Tucker / Farm Bureau Insurance
Bigelow, Arkansas
- Our hearts and prayers are with your sweet family. We know that Mary Grace
is in Jesus' arms. Jill and I are so sorry for the loss and will continue to
pray for you in your grief.
Jim and Jill Agan
Jonesboro, Arkansas
- I swam with Mary-Grace and her dedication always impressed me. She was
always very nice to all of her teamates.
Sarah Gammill
Friend/ Teamate
Little Rock, Arkansas
- I am very sad for your loss. I have said a prayer for your family today.
May you have the comfort in the loss of your little one that can come only
from our Lord Christ.
Donna M. Whittle
Springdale, Arkansas
- I always liked Mary Grace very much. She was very sweet and smart. She was
my friend at school and I will miss her.
Madison Lee
Friend at PA
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Steve Bigbee
Tuscumbia, Alabama
- Our hearts go out to you during this time. Sweet Mary Grace was taken to
Heaven to be with all the other angels for a purpose. God will give you much
strength to go on to the next day in your journey here on earth. I know we
do not understand His ways, but we do know He did not take your sweet Mary
Grace to hurt you. Know that His wings are covering you as your heart is
aching. He will never put any more on you that you cannot handle. We will
keep you & your family in our prayers. He knew the very second that Mary
Grace was born when she would go to Heaven. God Bless!!!
Richard & Vickie Bucklew
Maumelle, Arkansas
- JoNell Keenum Simms
Tuscumbia, Alabama
Stephen and Teena, we are so sorry to hear of your loss. In Psalms, David
states that he knows he will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the
living. Our prayers are you will know and feel a full measure of God's love
and mercy.
Robert & Melina Baggett & family
Sulphur, Louisiana
- My prayers are with your family.
Leslie Porter
AstraZeneca GI team
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Miriam Hall
Florence, Alabama
- All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Ann Henninger Hamilton
Florence, Alabama
- You may not remember us....... from way back during our Harding days. But,
as we heard the tragic news of the loss of your dear daughter our thoughts
and prayers go out to each of you. May the God of all comfort hold you in
the palm of His hands.
Roger and Sheila (Bawcom) Hooten
Columbia, Missouri
- Just want you to know that we care.
We just learned of the tragedy and our hearts go out to you.
You will be in our prayers.
Rusty and Nancy Meadows
Searcy, AR
- My prayers are with your family.
Sharon Williams
Secretary for the College of Bible & Religion @ Harding
Searcy, Arkansas
- Stephen and Tena, we are so sorry about your little Mary Grace. I know she
was a precious gift to all your family, a beautiful child. May God give you
peace and comfort in the weeks and months ahead.
Gene and Fran Dugger
Searcy, Arkansas
Email: and
- Our prayers are with your family during this time of sorrow. One comfort
is knowing Grandpa Lott was most likely waiting with open arms.
Sherrie McAleese and Family
Searcy, Arkansas
- You are in our thoughts and prayers. We lost our grandson, Lynn, in much
the same way eleven years ago. We know something of where you are and what
is ahead for you.
God is good and he will work through your friends and loved ones and somehow
you will be able to bear the sorrow. God bless you as you grieve for Mary
Mrs. Kenneth (Betty) Davis, Jr.
Searcy, Arkansas
- Kay & Jack Stephenson
Sheffield, Alabama
- Marilyn Hall
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dear Teena and Steve, we love you very much and please know that you are
in our daily prayers.
David Underwood
Searcy, Arkansas
- I'm am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. My prayer for you is that God
will heal your broken heart quickly and that you will feel His arms
surrounding you.
Molly Mason Noble
Searcy, Arkansas
Email: mnoble
- Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. May God give you
the strength and courage to meet the needs of your step at a time.
Tommy and Elsie Morris
Sheffield, Alabama
- My thoughts and prayers are with you! Mary Grace was one of the great
pioneers of Pulaski Academy Television in its inagural year. I loved working
with her on PATV and having her in Think Tank in 4th grade. I will always
think of her fondly. She will truly be missed.
Keri Bone
Pulaski Academy Teacher
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Stephen, Teena and Family, We can't even begin to imagine the tremendous
grief that you and your family are feeling right now. Our hearts and prayers
go out to you, and will continue to through the difficult times. Remember,
there are so many people that love you and are praying for your entire
family. We pray for God's comfort, and that He keeps his arms wrapped tight
around you, and you feel His love and understanding. Love,
Gene, Kathy, Trey, and Jacob Gadberry
Maumelle, Arkansas
- Please know we are thinking of you & praying for your family....
Chuck & Noelle Buttry
Little Rock, Arkansas
- We are thinking of your family. Our prayers are for comfort & peace in
knowing that Mary Grace is with our heavenly father.
Billy, Sandy & Ellis Copeland
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Emmette and Faye Thomas
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- Mike and Amy Bailey
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Our thoughts and love are with you. We know your grief.
Lucie and Bill Ayers
Tuscumbia, Alabama
- To all those who loved Mary. My heart is crying for you. You're in my
thoughts and prayers. I lost a son a little over a year ago. There is
nothing anyone can say to make easier. You just have to keep breathing in
and out and, eventually, the breathing won't be so hard to do.
Betty Thornton Jones
Clyo, Georgia
- Dr. Tucker, Teena and Family,
I am deeply sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.Suzanne
Russellville, Arkansas
- Dear Tucker Family,
My prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. I'm sorry for your loss.
Kaamilah Naomi Furqan
Little Rock,Arkansas
- Stephen and Teena, I know that you believe God is there with you. He, too,
knows what it is like to have a child taken. The Father will give you
comfort. I pray for you and your family. I cannot begin to understand why
something like this happens, but I want you to know that you and your family
are very special. I know that your faith will get you through this and I
know you will be strong. The fact that Mary Grace is with the Father and
that you will see her again will give you comfort. Love,
Charlotte Virden
Benton, Arkansas
- I only knew Mary Grace a short time through competitive swim. I was
introduced to her by a mutual friend and a member of my swim team. We became
instant friends. Though I only knew her a short time, she left an impression
on me. She will definitely be missed.
Matthew Cox
ATAC Swim Team
Texarkana, Texas
- To the family of Mary Grace, and particularly Mary Lou and Eddie Robbins,
May God sustain you in this hour of great loss. My heart goes out to you,
and the entire family.
My prayers for you! Love,
Mary J. Marchant (Maggie Jones)
Retired teacher
Tallahassee, Florida
- I'm sorry about your loss. I'm a friend of Mary Grace and I'm really sad.
She was a great swimmer. I really loved her being my friend. I will ask God
to bless your family.
Chelsea Albright
Hooks, Texas
- Candace Davis
AstraZeneca GI team
Little Rock, Arkansas
- I have known you all for years and love you very much. I am so sorry to
here about Mary's accidental death. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I
wish I could attend the service.
John L Shelton
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Blake, Deanna and Chandler Stephenson
Sheffield, Alabama
- It's hard to comprehend the tragedy that you are experiencing. As your
patients we have experienced your thoughtfulness and care. We can only offer
you our prayers and support, but know they are heartfelt. God bless you and
your family.
Wilson and Tammy Moore Family
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Teena, I remember how radiant you were as you carried Mary Grace during
pregnancy. What a joy she has been to each of us! She lit the room wherever
she was. My heart breaks for you. I pray that you will feel His comfort and
Presence as He strengthens you now, and in the days ahead.
Kathy Searcy
Little Rock, Arkansas
- We send our deepest sympathy along with our prayers. Love,
Evan and Betty Ulrey
Searcy, Arkansas
- Dr. and Mrs. Tucker and family,
I have shared your loss across our church community as many members of our
congregations in central Arkansas are patients at Little Rock Family
Practice West. We hold you in prayer.
Rev. Barbara E. Jones
Executive Regional Minister
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Tucker:
James and I were sad to hear of your loss. We would like to extend our
heartfelt sympathy to you and your entire family during this time. Know that
God is all powerful and his grace is sufficient for you. We shall keep you
in our prayers.
Barbara & James Brown, Jr.
Little Rock, Arkansas
- I don't have words for your loss. I am so sorry. I knew Mary Grace from
swimming she was a few years younger than me but such a nice, friendly girl.
And always seemed so happy. I am so sad for your whole family.
Matthew Snyder
Student at Central High School
Little Rock, Arkansas
Email: lorijamessnyder
- Dear Stephen, Tina & Family--We have kept all of you in our minds
& our prayers since we heard about the car accident and Mary Grace's
death. Our youngest son, Matt, lives in Fayetteville with his wife AJ &
their 5-month-old son, Adam--so, I emailed them first--but ya'll were
probably back home in LR before they ever had a chance to 'check on you'.
But, they are praying for you, too. I also emailed our oldest son, Michael
& his wife Jamie, who live in Houston with our other 2
grandbabies--Samantha will be 3 around Thanksgiving & Jack was just born
6 weeks ago--and, they are praying for you, too. And, our best friends, Judy
& Joe Trueblood live in Dallas right now & they know about you &
are praying for you, daily, too.
I'm sure you are searching in your Bibles for answers--and, I'm sure you
know that sometimes we don't get answers, here, and sometimes we get them
later. I sure don't have any. But, 2 things I thought of were: 1) Mary Grace
had her Granddaddy Lott to welcome her into Heaven with Jesus, and 2) Our
God knew that she was your 'Miracle' child & she was the same for Him
& He took her Home!!!!!
I know you miss her incredibly, and always will, but with God taking her
this young, she will never be hurt again by anything or anyone & she'll
never be sick or sad again!!! Nothing 'bad' on this earth will ever 'touch'
her, again.
I know you won't get to see her walk down the aisle to get married or have
her children, but that's when we have to Trust God to his timing & that
He knows what he's doing.
We do have His promises & we know that Mary Grace is in Heaven with Him.
And, that gives us all one more reason to strive to go to Heaven for our
Eternity, too!!!!! Now, she will be there waiting for all of us. And, she
will be your angel. I know you won't ever forget her & neither will we.
I'm sorry we haven't stayed in touch. I email all the time, now, and am
hardly ever on the phone, anymore. So, any time you want to write us--our
home email address is: Larry has one at work, too, if you ever need that. He is
'54' now & I am soon to be '53', but he, especially, is wise beyond his
years. And, we both have experienced many different ups & downs in our
almost 34 years of being married.
I don't know how parents get through having to bury such a beloved child as
your Mary Grace, but I do know that God knows how you feel & what you
need & He loves you beyond words. Keep talking to Him & to each
other & hold onto each other tighter than ever! He may put a 'desire' in
your hearts with this for something you can do for others--that you would
not have been 'qualified' to do before--when you feel like reaching out.
I usually use lots of capital words & exclamation points in my emails
& it's been really hard for me not to capitalize anything in this
If either of you choose to write me back, I will write you back, again. And,
if not, you two & your whole family will stay in our daily thoughts
& prayers. I know you can't write everyone back & may not feel like
writing anyone, for a while. That's ok.
May our Awesome God give you exactly what you need, every minute of every
day in the weeks & months & years to come. And, may He comfort you
as only He can & will!!!!
Keep your eyes on Jesus. And, remember--there are lots of folks 'out there'
who love you and care for you and are feeling So Sad With you, right now!
Much Love,
Rosemary & Larry Wilson
Homemaker & President of Harmony Printing
Olathe, Kansas
- I am so sorry to hear of your loss. May God bless you in the days ahead.
Don Eudaly
Searcy, Arkansas
- Precious Ones, you are in my heart and I do empathize with your
tragedy.......Please know I love you dearly. You are Children of the King
and we survive through His great assurance and grace. Mary Grace is safe in
His arms.
Eloise Muncy
Searcy, Arkansas
- May God bless and comfort your family. You are in our prayers.
Donna and Larry Long
Searcy, Arkansas
- Stephen and Teena,
My prayers are with you right now in your grief and sorrow. This is
certainly a time to cry together, and my sincere sympathy is extended to
Donny Lee
Searcy, Arkansas
- We offer our deepest sympathy to you and your family. We cannot begin to
imagine the terrible loss that you are feeling. You have been in our
thoughts and prayers and we know that the Lord will give you comfort as only
He truly can. We love you.
David & Nina Williams
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Teena & Family,
I heard about your loss through Tuscumbia Church of Christ on Sunday. My
heart goes out to all of you. I cannot imagine what you are going through,
but please know all of you are in my thoughts and prayers, you have my
deepest sympathy.
Gina Henry Bonds (MHBS)
(Mona Henry McWilliams sister)
Tuscumbia, Alabama
- We are thinking of you. May God soon heal your broken hearts.
Janelle Colaianni Fureigh
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Stephen and Teena: I am so sorry to learn of your little daughter's
passing. Danny, David and I all share your grief and pray for our loving
Father to ease your pain. We think back often of you, Teena, with great
affection, and I personally, would spare any mother the grief you have upon
you now. When, in the future you may want to talk to another
"survivor" of that horror, I hope you will contact me. I don't
know if I can help you, but I can be a good listener. Our prayers are with
Paula and Danny Stobaugh
Russellville, Arkansas
- We are so sorry for your loss. We are praying for you and your families.
She is in a wonderful place and the lord will take care of her. I am so
sorry we are unable to be at the service, please know we were there in
spirit. Much Love to all.
Brandon & Carol Rogers
Fayetteville, Arkansas
- Teena and Stephen, We are so sorry to hear of your loss. You are and will
be in our prayers.
Morris and Brenda Seawel
Searcy, Arkansas
- May you know we truly understand the loss of a child and extend our
sympathy to you and your family.
Howard and Ruth Morris Blazer
Elmore, Alabama
- We were so sorry to hear about Mary Grace. Our hearts go out to you. You
are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hershel and Nancy Myers
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- I have been praying for the family during this time of tremendous
loss/grief. I know you have some special memories of Mary Grace and the
years you had to be with her. I only knew her from Camp Tahkodah where I was
a Bible teacher for the last two years. She was so friendly -- I remember
many times she would be sitting on the porch or in the craft shed and as I
walked by she would shout to me "Hey Mr. Gary".
Gary W. Ross
Harding University Professor
Searcy, Arkansas
- Latina Dykes
Administrative Assistant
Searcy, Arkansas
- We are so sorry to here of your loss. We know she was met at the gates to
heaven by Lott and Renee. Our hearts go out to you.
John and Paula Vines
Searcy, Arkansas
- Doctor and Mrs. Tucker, my heart and prayers go out to you both. Your
faith in God and his love for you will guide you through this terrible loss.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Carol Steenberg
Little Rock, Arkansas
- We are so sorry for your loss. You all are in our thoughts & prayers.
Chris & Margaret Minshall
Graphic Designers
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Your family is in our hearts and prayers.
Andy & Kim Mitchell
Lafayette, Louisiana
- Stephen and Family, may the Lord give you strength to survive this trying
Ruth Browning
Former teacher
Searcy, Arkansas
- Dear Teena and Steven,
Sorry to hear about your tragic lost of your lovely daughter. You will be in
our prayers and thoughts, in the coming days. 2 Corinthians 5:8
Reg and Martha Mulligan
Tuscumbia, Alabama
- Steve and Teena and Family - I was so saddened to hear of your loss. My
prayers are with you. Mary will always be in your heart.
Gen Abdella
Project/Program Manager - AHEC South Arkansas
El Dorado, Arkansas
- Stephen and Teena - our thoughts a prayers are with you in this time of
great sorrow. I can only imagine the grief you are feeling. Know that you
have many, many people who love you, and are thinking of you, and praying
for you. God has a brand new angel whom he loves more than we can ever know.
Bill & Gail Powell
Mary Lou's Cousin
Pelham, Alabama
- I cannot imagine the lost you have experienced. May God comfort you in
this time of sorrow.
James Mackey
Professor of Physics Harding University
Searcy, Arkansas
- You do not know me, but I worked for Mr. Tucker here at Harding in the
Physical Plant for may years, and I know Mary Grace quite well and I cannot
imagine what you are going through. Please know that you are in my prayers.
Rejoice in the fact that she has gone home to be with Lott. My heart weeps
with you all.
Phylliss Wright
Harding University Stockroom
Searcy, Arkansas
- Dear Tucker family, Words cannot express the sorrow we feel for you at
this time. Our prayer is that you feel the peace that only God can give. In
Christian Love,
Al and Marilyn Fowler
Harding University
Searcy, Arkansas
- To the Tucker family deepest sympathy from Sandra Dunbar and family. Your
forever in our prayers.
Sandra Dunbar
Little Rock, Arkansas
- My heart goes out to all in the family. My heart is heavy for you today
knowing how hard this must be for you. Please know that my prayers and
thoughts are with you for strength and comfort. God is our strength and
Paul Pollard
Harding University
Searcy, Arkansas
- We are so sorry for this tremendous loss. Please know that you are in our
thoughts and prayers now and in the future.
Greg & Anissa Harris
Head Soccer Coach/Resource Coordinator, Harding University
Searcy, Arkansas
- Dear Dr. and Mrs. StephenTucker and family,
Our most sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved daughter Mary Grace.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult moment. May the Lord
bless you with great peace and comfort. Fondly,
Francisco and Patricia Batres
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dr. and Mrs. Tucker: I pray that God will grant you peace and comfort
during this difficult time.
Barbara Robinson
Accounting Clerk
Mayflower, Arkansas
- Dr. Tucker and Family, Our prayers go with you during this difficult time.
Know that God is the sustainer of all and he will carry you when you cannot
go on. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers daily.
Starr Dickinson, Brandon and Paige Brumley
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dear Stephen and Teena, Sheri and I extended sincerest best wishes in your
loss. You have been on our hearts and minds constantly, and we pray God's
richest blessings on you both now and in the days ahead. Sincerely,
Arthur L. Shearin
Chair, Department of Music, Harding University
Searcy, Arkansas
- Stephen and Teena, Our Prayers are with you,
Carl and Bettie Powell
Tuscumbia, Alabama
- Through the connections I had with J.D., Grandmom and Kinsey over the past
year, I know that Mary Grace was a very special part of your lives. I'm sure
there are no words to comfort you during this difficult time, but please
know that many people are praying for you and grieving with you. I am so
sorry for your loss.
Kristy Quattlebaum
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dr. Tucker and Family You are in my thoughts and prayers, Sorry for the
loss of your lovely daughter.
Johnny, Darlene Spradling & Family
North Little Rock, Arkansas
Email: johnnys@goldeneagleof
- A lot of people miss Mary Grace, me too. I like Mary Grace. She always
treated me nice. One time when we were practicing cheering together, she
found my cell phone and gave it back to me. She is in heaven with my
grandpa. He will hug her. I will pray for your family.
Sarah Pearce
11 year old PA student
Little Rock, Arkansas
- We pray that God soon grants you peace and the blessing of happy memories.
You are all in our thoughts and hearts.
Terry and Walt "Pepper" Paulson
New Orleans, Louisiana
- May God comfort you through the Holy Spirit living in your hearts and may
you feel the love of your family and friends. Our tears and prayers flow for
you. Our hearts break for your loss. It is hard to comprehend. Our heavenly
Father whose own beloved Son died for your Mary Grace, will welcome Mary
Grace into his kingdom with others there who love her. She is a part of the
heavenly congregation with which you will be reunited at that time.
Phyllis Pearce
PA mom
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Our thoughts and prayers are with you...
Rilla (Powell) and Tim Ahern
Atlanta, Georgia
- Mary Grace was always a pleasure to be around. Such a polite and happy
child. I can remember her welcoming me to school in the mornings. I loved
her bright eyes and smiling face. My prayers are with your family.
Sara Ray
Former Teacher at PA
Flower Mound, Texas
- Stephen and Teena, We have been earnestly praying for you and your family
since hearing of this sad news. Words are inadequate at a time of such
sudden loss. May you receive strength from on high to thank God for the
eleven years that you did have with your precious daughter. What an
unexpected and great gift she was to you. We have a daughter, Hope, who is
our miracle child. We are committed to remembering you in prayer.
Patty Woods Wilson
Harding Academy Classmate 1971
Searcy, Arkansas
- Our deepest sympathy.
Corey and Gretchan Jennings
Maumelle, Arkansas
- Dr. and Mrs. Tucker and Family, Words seem inadequate to express the
feelings of our hearts. We have three children who swam at the meet this
past weekend. Our middle daughter, Leah swam in the same age group as Mary
Grace and was in a heat or two with her, which makes this even more personal
to us. We have been praying for you and asking the Lord to carry you in this
very difficult time. He is able. He is peace, strength, hope, love, and
more. In the midst of this, as well as in the days to come, we pray you
would experience Him to be your need-meeter in every way. With our deepest
Matt and Kris Anderson and Family
Siloam Springs Tsunami Swim Team
Siloam Springs, Arkansas
- Teena, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your daughter. Your
family is in my prayers. May God bless you and give you and your family
strength and encouragement through
this difficult time.
Tim Holt
Florence, Alabama
- Dear Tucker family- My mother and I just received news of Mary Grace this
morning. Though it was so long ago, I remember the love your family had for
one another and it was always a joy to be in your home, with the children.
Since Mary Grace was a reflection of you, I know that she was a beautiful
girl with a strong spirit! Please know that our deepest sympathies go out to
you and yours. We will forever be praying for you! God WILL comfort you, as
only as HE can!
Amy Brown & family
Friend/Past babysitter/Patient(s)
Little Rock, Arkansas
- We greatly enjoyed Mary Grace at camp and are sorry to hear of her
accident. You and your family are in our prayers.
Penny, Megan, Niki And Aubrey Hitt
Camp Cook, Pre-K Teacher at Harding Academy
Concord, Arkansas
- Dear Dr. Tucker, Teena & Family: We are so sorry to hear about the
loss of your precious daughter. Please know that you both as well as Hannah
and the boys are in our prayers.
Terri & Shannon Ayers
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- With our Sympathy.
Stephen, Sandra & Jennifer Steiling
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Stephen and Tina: Our hearts go out to you in your great loss, a loss that
I cannot imagine. The greatest joys and sorrows of being a parent are those
we experience through our children, and surely you are going through one of
the greatest sorrows a parent can face. I know you are comforted by God's
spirit, with the confidence that Mary Grace is with the Lord, and that you
are experiencing the love and support of his people. We regret not being
able to see you, but we have recently moved to Montgomery, Alabama. Our
older son Zach will leave soon for a year in China, and our son Ryan is
serving with the 3rd Ranger Battalion in Iraq, so we know the meaning of
"pray without ceasing." We're praying for you and our spirits are
with you in this tough time.
David and Marlea Johnson
Montgomery, Alabama
- Dear Teena and Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you at this
difficult time. Please know you will be in my prayers each and every day. I
know Mary Grace touched all of your lives in such a special way. When I read
that she was such a great swimmer, I thought about you Teena, you always
loved to swim and were so good at it. I remember that you taught lessons in
the Summer. May God comfort you as only he can and may you be surrounded by
the warmth of all the prayers that go out for you. Love & Prayers,
Mona Henry McWilliams
Cherokee, Alabama
- I was so sorry to hear about your tragic loss. Words alone cannot convey
how sorry I am. God moves in mysterious ways. We never know the
"why" sometimes, but have to trust in Him that there was a reason
for the greater good.
Nita Howell Elson
Mobile Alabama
- Lots of prayers for you and your family.
Brad Perry
Brad Perry Enterprises
Saint Florian, Alabama
- To the Tucker Family: Grief comes uninvited and is never in a hurry to
leave. To some measure, it will occupy a room in your heart for a long, long
time. We are never the same after tragedy strikes us. We get through it, but
not over it. Each person’s timetable for healing is different. All
loss is not the same loss. All grief is not the same grief. May God comfort
you and hold you during this time.
Doug Henson
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dr. Stephen & Teena Tucker: As I sit here and read so many wonderful
things about Mary Grace, I wish I had known her personally. She attended
Pulaski Academy along with my daughter - Lauren Lay (now 4th grade) and
Phillip Lay (now 10th grade) and we never had the opportunity to meet. I
have been a patient of yours, Dr. Tucker now for many years and I have
always been aware of your faith in God. I know that this is what will
sustain you & your wife, Teena, for the rest of your life here on earth.
What a comfort to know that our Heavenly Father is now taking very good care
of Mary Grace. She was a precious gift. As a parent, I can say that I hurt
deeply for your family and have been praying daily for you. I will continue
my prayers and will visit you soon, Dr Tucker.
Brenda Lay
Patient of Dr. Stephen Tucker
Little Rock, Arkansas
- We did not know Mary Grace, but we know how much our children mean to us
and we are truly heartbroken for your family!! Thankfully you know the One
who heals our broken hearts! We love you with the love of the Lord!
Mark and Melody Benton
Searcy, Arkansas
- So sorry to hear of your loss. My husband and I lost our 16 year old son a
year and half ago while coming home from Fayetteville. The car he was in hit
stopped traffic and rolled several times. He suffered a head injury only,
but was killed instantly. We are friends with Charlie and Linda Barg and are
members of Fellowship Church in North Little Rock. I know it is soon, but if
you need to talk to someone who has lived a similiar tragedy, we are
available. We have been blessed with wonderful family and friends. We have
been blessed to have our church family. We have read many, many books on
grief and how to cope. We know how it feels to get up each day and feel as
if you are putting on someone else's shoes. They just do not fit. How can
this be our lives now? "We walk down this mountain with our hearts held
high and follow in the footsteps of our maker".
Dr. & Mrs. Lindy V. Bollen, Jr.
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- Teena and Stephen, Our hearts go out to you during this time. Not a day
passes that we don't think of you and your family.
Ellen and Jim Coffield
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dear Tucker Family, We are at a loss of words other than may God give you
peace, comfort, and strength during this difficult time. You are in our
prayers. God bless you always,
Robert and Julie Allen
Harding Academy
Searcy, Arkansas
- Dear Stephen and Teena, there are no words to express the sorrow we feel
for your pain. You are in our prayers. Though we've not been in touch for
many years, I can recall your voice and hear you saying her sweet name
"Mary Grace". How beautiful! May God bless you, keep you and give
you peace that only He can provide.
Terry and Linda (Williams) Moore
Germantown, Tennessee
- Bobby Dennis
Jasper, Alabama
- Jacob Gump
Chicago, Illinois
Dear Family of Mary Grace, I am so sorry about the loss of you beloved daughter, & sister and i would like you to know that Mary is with God now and she is watching over you and will be with you through all of your troubles. Mary is in a much better place now. Wishing You and Mary the best of luck in the future.
Alexis Esneault
Swimmer, Age 12
Huntsville Alabama
The Father knows the depth of your grief. She was a very beautiful youg girl. Teena, you were very brave. We were with you that terrible Sunday. You will be in our thoughts and prayers daily. Blessed are those who mourn.
The Oberste's & Eilands
Little Rock, Arkansas
Dear Teena and Stephen,
I still remember the time I first got Mary's phone number it was in Kindergarden it was your number in big Kindergarden letters. I miss her so much she is my best friend. I remember when you would take me home and Mary and I would be in the backseat tying or glueing our hands together because we didn't want to leave eachother. Now it is like we are doing the same thing but this time the glue didn't work (as usual) and we did have to leave her but then I would just look forward to the next day to see her so it is not like we won't ever see her again because we will. I'm praying for you and for all of us. Mary Grace will always be our butterflies!
Anna Celeste Gibson
Pacific Grove, California