Winston Tilmon Osburn

Obituary Notice
Winston Tilmon Osburn, age 49, of Little Rock, died Wednesday, October 27,
2004. He was born in Hope, Arkansas later graduating from Jacksonville High
School. He attended the University of Central Arkansas before becoming
interested in the produce grocery business. He eventually trained to become a
meat cutter and for the past 20 plus years enjoyed servicing friends in the
Little Rock area. Winston was member of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
He is survived by his wife, Marcie Osburn of Little Rock, one son Matt Osburn
of Little Rock, one daughter Lynsey Osburn of North Little Rock, two stepsons;
Tate Heuer and wife Caroline, and Charles Heuer all of Little Rock, one
stepdaughter, Pollyanna Heuer of Memphis, Tennessee, and two step grandchildren;
Jacob and Everett Heuer.
There will be a memorial service Saturday at 11am at Trinity Episcopal
Cathedral officiated by The Very Reverend Henry Hudson.
Memorials in lieu of flowers should be made to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral,
310 W. 17th St., Little Rock, AR 72206.
Register Book
- DeLaura Goodman
Maumelle, Arkansas
- My Friend, I love you.
Curtis Bowman
Little Rock, Arkansas
- I was very saddened to hear of Winston's death. He was a very good person.
He loved his children dearly. He was a hard working person too. I worked
with him at Barker's Produce and Kyzer Plants & Produce. He will be
missed by many people.
My sympathy goes out to all his family. My prayers are with you all,
Bette Mergenschroer
Quitman, Arkansas
- Elizabeth B. Wooten
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Holly Mathisen
Little Rock, Arkansas
1978, I met Winston, we both worked at R. E. Barker Produce Co Before long,
he became one of our closest friends. He had just married his wife and had
only began his life. I married that same year. Each passing year, times
changed, our children were born, we bought homes, we always managed to spent
time each week visiting, helping , talking, playing darts, eating lots of
wonderful foods, laughing, watched our favorite movie "Used Cars"
more times than should be legal, that is when Winston became...Toby. Times
were hard and we all had hard times, times we wish never happened, divorces,
watching our dreams dissolve, knowing it was too late, to fix our mistakes.
But I know one thing about Winston my friend Toby, and that is he was a good
man. He loved his family and would give you the shirt from his back if you
needed it. I regret the most, the fact that I can only pray and hope he knew
how much I care for him, thought of him and wanted only for him to be able
to get his lif! e back. To overcome the hardships he passed by and I hope he
was given a second chance by any of us that loved him and really knew the
"real Winston". He was deserving of that. I regert I never got to
tell him what a special person he had been, not just to myself but to all my
family members. I will miss him greatly. Today my heart broke when my
daughter told me, Mom, Winston died today. What sad words to hear about
someone I never took the time to look-up and just tell him, thank you
Winston, I will treasure our friendship forever and my friend, miss you from
this day forth. To Winston's family, the ones I did know and the ones I
never got to meet, my prayers and request for your broken hearts, to be care
for and healed by the only one who can give the greatest comfort of all..our
Lord Jesus Christ, God-speed his comfort to each one of you. Good bye
Winston, we will see each other again. Connie Rhodes Smith and daughters
Veronica and Ashley and my Father James Ball and his wife Grace, we will
miss you dearly!
Connie Rhodes Smith
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I only knew Winston professionally but
he always spoke and was very jovial and polite.
Teresa Clark
North Little Rock, Arkansas
- Winston, Thank you for your kind words over the meat counter. It was
always a pleasure to see you, and I looked forward to coming to Terry's
because of you. You were a special person, and my life is richer for having
known life will be poorer without you on the planet. I wish you
Little Rock, Arkansas