Sam Patterson

Obituary Notice
Samuel Stephen Patterson born on November 17th 1994 in Little
Rock, Arkansas, died a brave and courageous death on the morning of December
26th, 2003 of a rare disorder called, Metachromatic Leukodystrophy.
Sam was a tremendous gift from God. He was truly a
"masterpiece." He always had a smile, never once complained about his
illness and loved in such a real and meaningful way to all he knew and even
those he didn't. He attended the Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas.
He had but two wishes:
The first wish took shape while he attended the Arkansas
Baptist School where he learned that kids like himself in China did not know
"his Jesus." So when Sam was very young, he developed a burden for
these children and because of that burden a project was developed several months
ago to send Bibles to China in his name. To help us make this wish of Sam's come
true please visit: so that you may be a part of this
The second wish was to meet Harry Potter. And thanks to the
incredible people of the Make A Wish Foundation, Sam got to do exactly that. Sam
and his family were flown to London, England and not only did he get to meet the
actor, who plays Harry Potter, but he got to participate in the filming of a
Harry Potter scene.
In lieu of flowers, the Patterson family asks that you send
donations in the name of Sam Patterson to the Make A Wish Foundation of Little
Rock; 2822 Cottondale Ln., Little Rock, AR. 72202.
Sam Patterson is survived by his parents, Bobbi Dawn Bennett
Patterson and Gregg Stephen Patterson of Little Rock, his two brothers, Bennett
and George Patterson; grandparents, George and Barbara Patterson of Gwynedd,
Pennsylvania and Bob Bennett of Pine Bluff, Arkansas; great grandmother
"Mama Crick" Keith of Leachville, Arkansas, uncle and aunts, Keith and
Debbie Bennett of Little Rock, and Frank and Wendy Barr of Titusville,
Visitation will take place at Ruebel Funeral Home, 6313 West
Markham St, Little Rock. from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, December 29th.
Funeral services will be at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 30th at Ruebel
Funeral Home, followed by internment services at Pinecrest Memorial Cemetery.
We celebrate Sam Patterson's life. All who knew him were
blessed and enriched. He was truly indomitable!!!
Register Book
- Gregg and family,
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.
I have never lost a child but lost my youngest sister to leukemia when she
was 11 years old. Betty Brixey Morrilton, Arkansas Email: - I'm so sorry for the loss of your
precious little boy. May to Lord be with all of you.
Shook-Owen ADEQ - air division Little Rock, Arkansas Email:
OWENP@ADEQ.STATE.AR.US - Truely he was a very special
gift from God.
Julius and Linda Fast Conway,
Arkansas - My condolescenes to you and your family. I
will be praying for you guys strength and encouragement. God Bless
Rogers Computer Services Little Rock, Arkansas Email: - What a beautiful child! My
husband and I are so saddened by your loss. I feel that I knew Sam because
my daughter Cheryl Wren whose brother-in-law is Chris Wren told us about Sam
about the time he was disgnosed. I prayed every night for Sam, for his
family, and for another little kindergarten boy who recently lost his
mother. Cheryl called me last Thursday morning to tell me about Sam. He must
have been the most adorable child. The loving newspaper tribute to Sam shows
his goodness and your love for him. Please accept my heartfelt
Lee Cordell and Voletta Chavis Elementary
librarian in Pine Bluff a small place called Rye near Monticello in
Arkansas Email: -
Bobbie and Gregg:
Many thoughts and prayers are with your family
during this time. We are truly touched by the website and are glad that the
contributions we've made to the Make A wish Foundation helped with Sams
Wish. May God Bless your family.Please let me know if there is anything we
can do. Tiffanee Monique Noack Bryant, Arkansaskansas Email: - Our hearts go out to you and we
are praying. We love you guys!
Caleb & Debbie Lucien Pignon,
Haiti Email: - Dear Greg and
I am so sorry, no one knows what to say and nothing anyone
says will take away the pain. I am so shocked and sorry. I will pray for
you. My heart breaks for you. I was encouraged and uplifted in the Lord by
the testimony in the orbituary. God Bless you all for your faith and trust.
Nehemiah 8:10 says "grieve not, the joy of the Lord is your
strength." That is what we have leaned on through our loss. Much
love, Sandy and Joy Bernet Little Rock, Arkansas Email: - We are lifting you all in out
prayers--We pray that you can feel His loving arms wrapped around you as He
carries you all
Paul and Ginger Fleming Little Rock,
Arkansas - Your family is in our thoughts and
Bud and Jody Cummins Little Rock, Arkansas,
Arkansas - To have experienced of raising 5 children to
adulthood, we cann imagine the sorrow of losing a child. Our thoughts and
prayers are with you and your family.
Ron and Phyllis Hubbard London,
Arkansas Email: - So sorry for
your loss, but I know our loss will be heaven's gain. You are all in our
Neal Moore Maumelle, Arkansas
- Dearest Bobbie and Greg,
John and I want you
to know how much we are and will be praying for you and your family. I wish
that we could be with you on Tuesday. May God's presence be very
real to all of you and His peace fill your hearts. I know that He will be
faithful and will "Lift you up". Love Karen
and Mrs. John Festa Little Rock, Arkansas Email: -
Dear Sweet Bobbi and Greg, How I wish I could be there for the services this
week. You are in my prayers and most definitely in Our Savior's arms. May He
surround you and comfort you both with His promise to never leave us or
forsake us.
Love to you both, Mrs. Joanna Festa Dawson Dallas,
Texas Email: - Mr. and
Mrs. John A Festa
Little Rock, Arkansas - Mahoganey A. Burkhalter
Rock, Arkansas - My deepest sympathy for you and your
family. Your gorgeous and courageous son will be missed deeply.
Davis Safe harbour clinic Little Rock,
Arkansas - Please accept our sincere Condolences on the
passing away of your beloved son.
Manager - FTF/Winrock International New Dehli, India Email: - We are thinking of you. Sam was
a sweet student that I enjoyed having in the library. He will surely be
missed. God Bless you all.
Bob & Becky Singleton Little
Rock, Arkansas Email: -
Our love and prayers are with you. May God's love surround you.
and Gary Rollins and Will Little Rock,
Arkansas - I read with much interest the short but
powerful ministry your angel has had. May God bless you in the dark hours
Bill White Monticello,
Arkansas - Jeff Bennett
Jonesboro, Arkansas
- Jason & Jo Margaret Bennett
Tennessee Email: -
Donald & Robin (Bennett) Braden
Jonesboro, Arkansas Email: - Ron & Deloris Bennett
Arkansas Email: - My
deepest condolences are extended to the entire Patterson family for the loss
of Sam. I know that he was loved dearly, and I am grateful that God loaned
him to you for a while.
Angie Thompson Little Rock,
Arkansas - God Bless you
Angel & Betty
Hairston Little Rock, Arkansas Email: -
Our hearts and prayers are with you. May Christ bring peace to your
John and Emma Jane Ohnemus Scoutmaster; Troop
55 Little Rock, Arkansas Email: -
Bobbi, Greg, and Family:
We are thinking of you daily. You are now
and will continue to be in our prayers. Love,
Stacey and Sam DeWitt Dunwoody,
Georgia Email: - Your
spirit and courage should be an example to us all.
Matthew A. Van
Eps Little Rock, Arkansas - Sam could you please
say hello to my little girl when you see her in heaven, her name is Melanie.
she will be the one who is dancing and singing for Jesus. I am sure your
family will miss you,and me and my family will be praying for your family's
strength in the Lord.
Karen, Marcell, and Tony Coleman Little
Rock, Arkansas - I didn't know Sam, but I know his
father. It's sounds like Sam was very much like his father, a kind and
generous person. My thoughts and prayers are with Gregg and Bobbi in this
time of tremendous sorrow. God bless you.
Dennis Benson Little
Rock, Arkansas Email: -
May God bless your family. You are all in my prayers and I will do my part
to spread the word about his project.
Cathy Westfall El
Dorado, Arkansas - Sam, through the wonderful opportunity
of working with your Dad, I was able to make your acquaintance. In the short
time that I knew you, I realized how special you are.
You had an
aura that was truly amazing for a child and it was felt immediately. I'm so
pleased to have been fortunate enough to know you, Sam. My prayers go with
you to that wonderful place where you will reside with our Saviour. Sam, I
will miss you dearly. Marsha Burkhalter Little Rock,
Arkansas Email: - Our
thoughts and prayers are with you. Sam was a special young man that touched
the world during his short life. He will be remembered though not only his
family but by the love he showed for mankind and the children he had never
met. God bless you.
Douglas Grann North Branch,
MN - My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this
Eileen Kennedy DHS-TEFRA Medicaid case manager Little
Rock, Arkansas Email: -
So sorry for your lost!
Kadi Warner Arlington,
Virginia Email: - Gregg and
Our hearts were saddened to hear about Sam, please know that
our prayers and thoughts have been with you and for you over the last
several months. Keep your precious memories close and God will sustain you.
We love George like one of our own, just want you to know that he is always
welcome at our home as well as Bennett too. They seem to love the outdoors
and like to play with Dale and all the (tractor) toys. God bless you during
this difficult time. Aunt Sug and Uncle Dale Dale and Sara
Perry Hazen, Arkansas - Gregg
We are so
sorry to hear about your loss. I did not know that you had a son with a
health problem. Sam was 3 months older than my son, Steve Jr., so I can
relate to your loss but I cannot imagine how I would feel at this time. He
must have been a beautiful child with a wonderful heart. We will keep you in
our thoughts and prayers. Steve and Laura Edwards Marianna,
Arkansas Email: - Bobbie
Dawn..... My heart aches for you and yours. I did know that sam was ill, but
had no idea what the exact problem was. Our chi omega chapter here at the
univ. Of ky. Has "make a wish" as our philanthropic.....and we
raise lots of money for the local chapter. I will surely make a contribution
in sam's memory; what wonderful things they do. - my love to you,
precious... I am just so, so sorry. My sister emailed this morning;
otherwise i wouldn't have even known this. My love to keith & debbie
& mama krick as well. What a difficult time for you each one. You are in
my prayers, darlin'..... I wish i could put my arms around you like your
mama would if she were here to do so. Love & god bless, dear ...
Parks Roach Housemother/Mom, Chi Omega Sorority, Univ. Of
Kentucky Email: - Gregg,
am so sorry to hear that Samuel passed away. My condolences to you and your
family. Sincerely, Matt Delaney Forester/Winrock
International Albany, Oregon Email: -
Jesus was content with a stable when He was born so that we might have a
mansion when we die.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your
souls." Matthew 11:29 Joe and Alicia Farmer Little
Rock, Arkansas Email: - Sandy and
I send our condolences, Gregg, to you and your family. We know this has a
been an incredibly difficult time for you, and admire your courage and
strength as you have faced this terrible illness.
Frank and Sandy
Tugwell Arlington, Virginia - May the peace of
God abide with the Patterson Family doing this time of loss.
Ford Arlington, Virginia - Would you please
accept my sincere condolences and prayers.
Mário Borba da Trindade Winrock
- Brazil Salvador - Bahia (Brazil - South America) Email: - My deepest sympathy and prayers
for your family
Barbara Ashby Administrative Coodinator/Winrock
International Morrilton, Arkansas - Janie
Admin II, Facilities Treasure, Winrock Interntional Casa,
Arkansas Email: - As you
celebrate Sam's life, may the many, many wonderful memories of your years
together with this very special little boy bring comfort and peace during
this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Patty Allison Morrilton, Arkansas
- Bobbi,
My heart is breaking for you, Greg and the boys! I never had the pleasure of
meeting Sam, but from all I've read and heard he must have truly been one of
God's angel sent to bring an enormous amount of joy to his family and
friends. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Patricia Quick Gray
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- I was very touched by Sam's obituary. It sounds like God blessed you with
an amazing son. I have lost a child and I feel grateful that your Sam will
be my Elijah's playmate in heaven now. My thoughts and prayers are with your
Margie Henderson
Little Rock, Arkansas
- May the sweet and precious memories you have of Sam sustain you through
all the days ahead.
John and Orene Giese
Jerusalem, Arkansas
- My little buddy Sam was
always a beacon of light to all he met. I know that he is entertaining the
angels right now with his incredible wit.
His unconditional love and faithfulness in the Lord is an inspiration
to us all. Greg, from the day you called after you found out his diagnosis I
have prayed for Sam and my thoughts and prayers are with you, Bobbi, Bennett and
George during this sad time. My heart is broken for you guys, but I know Sam
knew that he had work to do in Heaven. I will miss him dearly and am proud
to have been touched by his life.
Stephanie Buckley
Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas
- Dear Gregg:
Bev and I are thinking of you and your family and offer our support in any
way that we can. God bless you and your family.
Al and Bev Eckert
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Just to let you and your family know --my thoughts and prayers are with
you all. May God comfort you during this time and may He always be with you.
Carla J. Graham
Benton, Arkansas
- Gregg, Bobbi, Bennett & George, My thoughts and prayers are with you.
May God continue to bless your family through Sam and his ministry For the
Love of Sam.
Bennett - You were an awesome Big Brother to Sam. I remember seeing Sam and
your Dad at the PA-CAC game. I'm sure he was very proud of you. Continue to
help take good care of George.
Tammy Harvey-Lamberson
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Dana M Dickson
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Our prayers and thought are with you and your family. GOD BLESS
Mr. & Mrs. Jamal Solaimanian and Chrissy Heider
Little Rock, Arkansas
- I did not know your son. I read it in the paper. He sounded like a
wonderful boy with big dreams. I hope the bibles to china goes off with a
big bang. That would make him happy to know his dream came true. Again my
prayers are with your family.
Little rock, Arkansas
- Don & Valerie Womack & family
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Doug and Lynnell Fender
Maumelle, Arkansas
- Hannah Danae Marks
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Belinda Adaire
Dardanelle, Arkansas
- Dan Bagley
Pittsburgh, PA
- Mr. and Mrs Patterson, I think this is a good verse to describe Sam: I
eagerly expect, and hope, that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have
sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in me,
whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is
gain. Philippians 1:20-21 I am so sorry about the loss of Sam. I go to
Arkansas Baptist also and I am in the eighth grade. I had heard of Sam
before, but I didn't know he was sick. I think that is such a blessing that
the organization was started through him to send Bibles to China. What and
amazing child! I will be praying for you!!
Hannah Danae Marks
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Gregg, you and your family will remain in our prayers. I only met Sam
once, but I will never forget him.
Kevin, Opal, Austin and Jade Dorman
Water Division- ADEQ
Benton, Arkansas
- Gregg and Bobbi, Words cannot adequately express our sorrow for your loss.
Plerase know that the Bashams are and will continue to pray for you. We look
forward to seeing Sam with Jesus in heaven as I'm sure you are.
Drew and Leslie Basham
Little Rock, Arkansas
See also: Web
site For the Love of Sam! 